Can probiotics be an alternative to antibiotics? Can it be a way to prevent and cure children’s throat colds?

It is difficult for probiotics to completely replace antibiotics in the front row of the 20th century medical revolution. However, it can be sufficiently replaced with throat colds, periodontitis, and dermatitis in children who are at low risk of life. Also, it can be substituted for livestock farming and fish farming. I think that my companion, the microbiome, needs to be reformed in a healthy way

Can probiotics be an alternative to antibiotics? Can it be a way to prevent and cure children's throat colds? 1

After giving probiotics and vitamin C to children aged 3 to 10, and watching for six months, the number of antibiotics taken or pediatrician visits decreased significantly compared to children who gave placebo. In particular, the antibiotic cephalosporin has decreased by more than half.

Can probiotics be an alternative to antibiotics? Can it be a way to prevent and cure children's throat colds? 2

The most worrisome thing about taking too many antibiotics is probably children’s cough colds. Most prescriptions for catching a cold in the pediatric department should contain antibiotics.. The results of a research team to reduce anti-biotics in children are impressive.” (Garaiova, Paduchová et al. 2023) When elementary school children in kindergarten were given probiotics lactobacillus and vitamin C for six months, the number of antibiotic prescriptions and pediatrician visits decreased significantly compared to placebo groups. In particular, the antibiotic cephalosporin has decreased by more than half. Other studies have shown that lactobacillus has a certain effect as a way to prevent tonsillitis and cure colds quickly.(Emre, Ero etlu et al. 2020)

Can probiotics be an alternative to antibiotics? Can it be a way to prevent and cure children's throat colds? 3

After gum treatment, including scaling, there was no significant difference in probiotics and antibiotics’ periodontal pocket gum skin lowering effect. However, if you look at it in detail, probiotics especially work better with IMP.

Can probiotics be an alternative to antibiotics? Can it be a way to prevent and cure children's throat colds? 4

In dentistry, oral lactobacillus can replace the efficacy of anti-biotics. (Ghazal, Ahmed et al.) Comparing 30 days after dental treatment (antibiotics + placebo made like oral lactobacillus) vs (placebo made like oral lactobacillus + antibiotic) for people with periodontal inflammation such as gum skin, gum sink, and deep periodontal pockets. (Probiotics lactobacillus group has improved slightly even though there is no statistical difference) and Kang Lactobacillus can reduce gum skin, gum drop, and dental conditions in periodontal pockets have been confirmed empirically at the hospital.

Can probiotics be an alternative to antibiotics? Can it be a way to prevent and cure children's throat colds? 5

The growth rate was much faster when probiotics, prebiotics, and new biotics were given than when only feed was given (Tcon, red) or antibiotics (Tant, triangular blue).

Can probiotics be an alternative to antibiotics? Can it be a way to prevent and cure children's throat colds? 6

In livestock industry and fish cultivation, the antibiotics used as a growth acceleration, but the first biological growth of bacteria, and biological growth, and biological growth of the biological growth. (Munni, Akther et al.203) Of course, the new bacterium is a little more effective antibiotics, but the productivity of the productivity of the productivity, but the productivity of the productivity.I always feel nervous about all ideas and errors that are always worried about the possibility of infection that you can get infected with antibiotics..And that, the idea of the 20th century, which is not inevitable to improve the biological revolution of the 21st century, especially the biological revolution of the children’s throat.

Can probiotics be an alternative to antibiotics? Can it be a way to prevent and cure children's throat colds? 7

Oral Lactobacillus 7: When children with tonsillitis and sore throat gargle by dissolving hot water… tonsillitis or sore throat is always ranked high among Korea’s frequent injuries. Especially, immunity is not yet developed…

Can probiotics be an alternative to antibiotics? Can it be a way to prevent and cure children's throat colds? 8

Minimize mouth health, intestinal health, microbiome remodeling with probiotics, including health in the same place, bacteria management in the mouth, basics of health, eating well and chewing whole grains

Can probiotics be an alternative to antibiotics? Can it be a way to prevent and cure children's throat colds? 9

Human application tests and clinical studies will be launched to recruit research subjects to treat mild severe gingivitis non-pharmacologically (oral lactobacillus, propolis, metropolitan studies). Periodontal inflammation and gum inflammation, the representative chronic diseases of our era, are all drugs…

Can probiotics be an alternative to antibiotics? Can it be a way to prevent and cure children's throat colds? 10

Human application tests and clinical studies will be launched to recruit research subjects to treat mild severe gingivitis non-pharmacologically (oral lactobacillus, propolis, metropolitan studies). Periodontal inflammation and gum inflammation, the representative chronic diseases of our era, are all drugs…